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Jammie Wagon Wheel SXi

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Here are the step-by-step instructions for the Jammie Wagon Wheel SXi

Wagon Wheels may have been the Snack Daddy when we were all nippers, but time moves on, appetites increase and marketing gimmicks are met with a cynical sneer (what once may have seemed ma-hoosive soon pales in the eyes of the Super Size generation). If the king of Wagon Wheels is the Jammie edition, then ladies and gentlemen, what we have here is a royal remix. It’s time to give the Jammie Wagon Wheel the Pimp That Snack treatment…


Milk chocolate
Shortbread biscuits

Step one: All good confectionary Pimps begin with the melting of the chocolate. Melting complete, the chocolate is poured into the baking dish and sent to chill in the freezer.

Step two: Show no mercy to the shortbread shorties… pulverise ’em and chuck in a mighty amount of melted butter, which, like the Force, binds the galaxy together.

Step three: The chocolate makes it out of the cooler and has a liberal layer of the biscuit mix piled on top. Precision here is key, the 5mm gap around the edge is vital. Once done, the dish is back in the freezer.

Step four: Stop! Mallow time! A bag of marshmallows is blasted in the micro until it has the consistency (and temperature) of molten lead and is then spooned on top of the biscuit base. 

Step five: This is Jam Hot! Microwaved jam (like fruit-based napalm) is applied skilfully on top of the marshmallow.

Step six: We got a jam sandwich goin’ on. The second layer of marshmallow is added.

Step seven: Pile on the rest of the biscuit mix.

Step eight: The whole thing is topped off with more chocolate to seal and then chilled again to set.

Step nine: The roll-out. Tension mounts in the Pimp camp as the rubberised baking dish is carefully peeled off… to reveal a perfect slab of Jammie Wagon Wheel action.

Check out the customised hard top texture. Precision chocolate engineering.

This mother weighs in at a hefty 2lbs 5oz compared to the piffling punk-ass 2oz of yer average wheel. Stick that on your Wagon!


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